At Asiacrypt'98, Eli Biham gave an invited talk about AES and a primer avaluation of the candidates. Several criticisms have been emited against our DFC candidates, and we tried to correct it at the Rump Session. Here are our arguments.

Feasibility of the Implementation

Firstly, DFC makes an extensive use of 64-bit multiplications. Depending on the microprocessor, the number of word-multiplications would theoretically be
  • 8 on a 64-bit microprocessor
  • 32 on a 32-bit microprocessor
  • 512 on a 8-bit microprocessor
  • Although we could expect a huge computation time, we achieved an implementation of DFC on a Motorola 6805 which is twice as fast as DES. About smart cards, although commonly claimed that we need more than 100 bytes of RAM, we did it on a real smart card which uses less than 100B. (See our CARDIS'98 paper.)


    The efficiency of DFC implementations increases with the technology (we believe much faster than for other candidates) since
  • from a Pentium/Pentium MMX to a Pentium Pro/Pentium II, the timing of multiplications has been reduced from 8-39 cycles down to 4 cycles
  • from 32-bit architecture to 64-bit architecture, we need 4 times less multiplications
  • due to the lack of long long int type in ANSI-C, the numbre of multiplications is reduced from ANSI-C to ISO-C by a factor of 4 as well
  • Thus the multiplication part of the DFC computation (which represents an important one) can benefits of a factor of 32 to 160 between a Pentium MMX with ANSI-C to a 64-bit microprocessor with ISO-C. In his talk, Eli Biham used the former architecture which handicaped DFC. NIST uses a Pentium Pro.

    To illustrate these arguments, we can just compare the following benchmarks obtained by DFC (number of cycles for one encryption block):

  • 5874 on Pentium MMX (ANSI-C with gcc - experiment by Eli Biham)
  • 3008 on Pentium 90 (standard C using long long int with gcc)
  • 2592 on Pentium Pro (ANSI-C with gcc)
  • 1750 on Pentium Pro (Visual C++ - implemented by Brian Gladman)
  • 754 on Pentium Pro (assembly code)
  • 428 on AXP 21164 (ANSI-C plus one opcode macro - implemented by Robert Harley).
  • (All but for Gladman's or Harley's implementations are ours. They are all in NIST's CD-2. See our report.)


    Another criticism was about the security: an attack is feasible on 5 rounds and we use 8. At the same time, Serpent has an attack on 8 rounds and uses 32. Since our design is based on some deep theory which enables to provide some kind of provable security, we believe that the security of our design increases faster with the number of rounds (in the same way that the speed increases faster with the technology). Actually, since it would have not been meaningful to enlarge the number of rounds beyond the threshold of the obtained provable security, we committed ourselves with 8 rounds and challenged the research community to come up with an attack on.

    Date: October the 28th, 1998.

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