Serge Vaudenay

I am professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technologies (EPFL) where I head the Security and Cryptography Laboratory (LASEC) within the School of Computer and Communication Sciences (I&C). My main research topic is about the security of cryptographic algorithms and protocols.

Last update: May 6th, 2024.

Books (external links)
Textbook Exercises Exercises Essay
Edited Proceedings (external links)
FSE' 98 SAC' 01 PKC' 05 Mycrypt' 05 EUROCRYPT' 06 AFRICACRYPT' 08
Me, Myself, and I
(link to EPFL) Short BIO
(link to Google Scholar) citations
(link to dblp) publications
My publications
(link to LASEC) Decorrelation Theory
(link to LASEC) DFC: a candidate for the Advanced Encryption Standard
(link to LASEC) The Ultimate Short Undeniable Signatures
(link to LASEC) FOX Specifications Version 1.2 (Block Cipher)
(link to LASEC) Password Interception in a SSL/TLS Channel
Contact Tracing - SwissCovid
Supervised PhD Theses
1. Pascal Junod (2004) Statistical Cryptanalysis of Block Ciphers
2. Gildas Avoine (2005) Cryptography in Radio Frequency Identification and Fair Exchange Protocols
3. Yi Lu (2006) Applied Stream Ciphers in Mobile Communications
4. Jean Monnerat (2006) Short Undeniable Signatures
5. Simon Fischer (2008) Analysis of Lightweight Stream Ciphers (co-supervised with Willi Meier)
6. Thomas Baignères (2008) Quantitative Security of Block Ciphers - Designs and Cryptanalysis Tools
7. Sylvain Pasini (2009) Secure Communication using Authenticated Channels
8. Jean-Philippe Aumasson (2009) Analysis and Design of Symmetric Cryptographic Algorithms (co-supervised with Willi Meier)
9. Claude Barral (2010) Biometrics and Security: Combining Fingerprints, Smart Cards and Cryptography (co-supervised with Assia Tria)
10. Martin Vuagnoux (2010) Computer Aided Cryptanalysis from Ciphers to Side Channels
11. Khaled Ouafi (2012) Security and Privacy in RFID Systems
12. Pouyan Sepehrdad (2012) Statistical and Algebraic Cryptanalysis of Lightweight and Ultra-Lightweight Symmetric Primitives
13. Aslı Bay (2014) Provable Security of Block Ciphers and Cryptanalysis
14. Petr Sušil (2015) Algebraic Cryptanalysis of Deterministic Symmetric Encryption
15. Alexandre Duc (2015) Bringing Theory Closer to Practice in Post-quantum and Leakage-resilient Cryptography
16. Rafik Chaabouni (2017) Enhancing Privacy Protection: Set Membership, Range Proofs, and the Extended Access Control
17. Sonia Bogos (2017) LPN in Cryptography: an Algorithmic Study
18. Damian Vizár (2018) Provably Secure Authenticated Encryption
19. Handan Kılınç (2018) Implications of Position in Cryptography
20. Gwangbae Choi (2020) Time in Cryptography
21. Fatih Balli (2021) Serial Lightweight Implementation Techniques for Block Ciphers
22. Novak Kaluđerović (2022) Attacks on some post-quantum cryptographic protocols: The case of the Legendre PRF and SIKE
23. Andrea Caforio (2023) Green Cryptography and Other Optimisations
24. Khashayar Barooti (2023) Security in the Presence of Quantum Adversaries
25. Aymeric Genêt (2024) Side-channel analysis of isogeny-based key encapsulation mechanisms and hash-based digital signatures
26. Loïs Huguenin-Dumittan (2024) Secure and Efficient Cryptographic Algorithms in a Quantum World
27. Daniel Collins (2024) On the Theory and Practice of Modern Secure Messaging
At the Ecole Polytechnique (1998-99, in French only)
At the Ecole Normale Supérieure (1998-99, in French only)
(link to LASEC) At EPFL (2000 until now)
(youtube) The Diffie-Hellman Protocol (2016, ZettaBytes)
(youtube) 2 Challenges in Cryptography Research (2016, ZettaBytes)
Hiring and other requests
(link to LASEC) Guidelines (requests not following the guidelines will most likely be discarded)
(link to LASEC) LASEC
(external link) I&C School
(external link) EPFL
Journals and Book series
(external link) Communications in Information and Systems (CIS)
(external link) Communication Systems, EPFL Press
(external link) Springer Cryptography and Communications: Discrete Structures, Boolean Functions and Sequences (CCDS)
(external link) Journal of Cryptology (JoC)
Personal links
(external link) Couleur Garba (chanson française, humour, poésie, en 3D !): a nice band in France
Errata of the French Edition of Stinson's book (1st Edition)

Address: EPFL - I&C - LASEC, INF 241 (INF Building), Station 14, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
E-mail: S e r g e . V a u d e n a y @ e p f l . c h
Office: INF241
Telephone: +41-21-693-7696 (direct line)
+41-21-693-7603 (secretary)